
Orange App

Designing an event-based matchmaking app.


1.5 months


UX Designer



UX Research


Journey Mapping




2 UX Designers (including myself)

The Problem

Dating apps are looks-based and superficial, so it's challenging meeting people with shared interests.

There's over 44m online dating users in the United States, and 77% of online adult users have gone on a date with someone they've met online. However only 20% of those in current relationships began online, and only 7% of marriages are between couples who met online.

It's been found that at least 50% of online dating users want a committed relationship. But when the most popular dating apps focus on looks and short bios users are left feeling overwhelmed, overlooked, and unsure how to meet people they will actually get along with.

Qualitative Research

What is the current experience like?


Journey Mapping

What is the current user flow?

After interviews we created a journey map to document the flow on the most common apps, and broke it down be steps. The entire flow is 9 steps, but the part our interviewees felt most strongly about were the 5 in the middle of the flow: swiping, selection, planning, meeting and assessment.


While using the a dating app initially is convenient and fun, it quickly becomes frustrating when having to sort through messages and profiles and having to plan the date.



What should we focus on?

Tailored Matches

Offer fewer, more tailored options to reduce feelings of being overwhelmed.

Shared Hobbies

In order to guarantee shared interests we could base matches on hobbies or events.

Saving Time

Offer fewer, more tailored options to reduce feelings of being overwhelmed.

The Solution

A dating app that guarantees shared interests by connecting you with people going to the same event.

Instead of swiping based on looks users select events that sound like fun, or they can synch their event calendars with the app. Afterwards they can look through the bios of other peope going. If they like someone, they can connect and talk before the event starts and attend together.

This ensures the match will have something they both enjoy in common, they will have something to talk about on the date, and time is saved from not having to plan the date.

Product Journey Map

What is the flow for our solution?


Job Stories



I am scheduling my upcoming week

I want to

Synch my calendar with my social media

So I can

See the events that I have signed up for.



My calendar is free

I want to

See suggestions for events I might be interested in

So I can

Plan the upcoming week.



I am nearing the event time

I want to

Be able to see other people who are attending

So I can

Make a selection.


User Persona

What do our users look like?



Value Proposition

We are a matchmaking online platform for people looking to expand their social circle so that they can form more natural, genuine connections through events and shared interests better than the looks-based dating apps available today.


The Principles

Design System

Final Product

Matches based on hobbies (not looks).

Final Product

Browse Events


View Profiles


View Saved Events



Map View


Why we made this feature

So users can find matches that live nearby.

User testing results

After showing our product to 4 people we received feedback this feature was viewed negatively. Users were worried about privacy and did not feel comfortable sharing their location. We ended up removing it for this reason.

Friend or Date


Why we made this feature

To give users the option to attend as friends or express a romantic interest.

User testing results

We tested with 4 participants and found the option made users anxious. They were worried about being "friend-zoned" if the other person selected "friends" and felt unsure which to click since they still had not met in real life. We tested using only the heart and it made the flow easier with the same outcome.

Dark Theme


Why we made this feature

We wanted to test an edgier theme that more closely resembled night-time activities.

User testing results

Users preferred the white background. The darker theme was viewed as edgy and made users feel like the relationships they would make through Orange would be casual and short-term.


What I Learned

  • My biggest takeaway is how important user testing is every step of the way. Throughout the process what we thought was a great UI decision or feature wasn't always well-received, and we received many valuable tips that we were able to build out. Our finished prototype has over 8 major changes to the flow and UI- all of which we captured through testing.
  • Writing down what the product's top values are as well as the mission statement helped us when it came to design and flow decisions later in the project. We found ourselves constantly referring to these in order to stay true to our initial vision. 
  • Lastly I learned how important it is to keep Figma organized! What started off as one or two pages on Figma ended up being 10 organized pages for our components, logos, various drafts and additional work.